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Saturday, August 7, 2010
Consider these twenty-two little known ways to do so:
1. Grow the trust. Oprah is the most trusted person in America. She’s also a billionaire. This is not a coincidence. So remember: The amount of money you make is directly proportionate to the number of people who trust you. Are you trustable?
2. Nurture the nuts. Inside of you. Inside of your organization. Insanity is the lifeblood of innovation. Crazy is the new sane. Are you willing to strap on the straitjacket and start changing the world?
3. Ask the unaskable. Whatever question people assume “can’t be asked” is exactly the questions that should be asked first. And since nobody else is going to pony up the stones to do it, it may as well be you. Are you willing to overcome the diffusion of participation?
4. Avoid the always. In your current situation, figure out which move everybody always makes. The action most people always take. Then do the complete opposite. You will win. That’s the cool part: You don’t even have to be that good. Just unexpected. What norm are you wiling to violate?
5. Court the irrational. Never overlook the strategy of remaining completely irrational, unreasonable, illogical and insane. Sanity is overrated anyway. How absurd are you willing to be?
6. Determine the destination. Don’t worry about how you’re going to get there. Begin with the end in mind and a road will eventually appear. Your problem will have no choice but to be solved. When was the last time you updated your vision board?
7. Eliminate the losers. Hang out with people who make money. Not people who want to learn how YOU make money. Do you need richer friends?
8. Embody the values. Don’t “have” commitment – BE commitment. Be the walking translation of your values. People will follow you just to see where you go next. How followable are you?
9. End the dependency. For once, try depending on YOU. At least you can trust that person. Right? Right?
10. Enter the pain. Stop resisting and it will stop persisting. Learn to love it. Relax into your tension. Breathe instead of reacting. You’ll discover that what you feel isn’t actually pain – just discomfort. And it’s a beautiful part of the life experience, teaching you something about yourself that’s very important. What is your body trying to communicate to you?
11. Harvest the learning. Become the world’s expert at learning from your experiences. Nobody will be able to stop you. What did you learn today?
12. Incorporate the mistake. The minute you write it down is the moment it starts being a mentor. The minute you learn from it is the moment it starts being a lesson. And the minute you give thanks for it is the moment it starts begetting an opportunity. How could you turn screw-ups into tune-ups?
13. Leave the familiar. If you want to get ahead, get uncomfortable. Are you ready to purposely make yourself feel insecure?
14. List the reasons. More Reasons = More Motivation. How many do you have?
15. Loosen the mind. Thinking isn’t as important as people think. When was the last time your meditated?
16. Magnify the positive. All that hokey, cheesy, corny crap about attitude actually works. Try it. How many affirmations have you recited today?
17. Meet the world. Actually, let me rephrase that: Let the world meet you. How will the meeting go?
18. Orchestrate the circumstances. “Well, it is what it is,” people resign. Bullshit. It isn’t what it is – it is what you ALLOW it to be. It isn’t what it is – it is what you RESPOND to it as. And it isn’t what it is – it is what you CHOOSE to change it into. Are you a make-things-happen guy, a watch-things-happen guy, or a what-the-hell-just-happened guy?
19. Probe the known. The only thing you should fear is the KNOWN. That’s the dangerous part. When you refuse to ask HOW you know what you know. Do you believe what you believe because you actually believe or because someone told you to believe?
20. Reconsider the experts. Those guys are morons. Especially the ones who use statistics and facts to support their bullshit theories. Here’s an idea: Instead of paying twenty dollars for the next business book pumped full of recycled wisdom and unoriginal drivel; go ask someone who’s actually DONE something. Go ask a thinker. Go ask someone who doesn’t call herself an “expert.” You’re better off. Is this person an expert or someone who just got lucky once?
21. Strengthen the alignment. Not balance. Balance is for ballerinas. You need to be aligned. Consistent. Strong. Straight. That’s what counts. That’s what people notice. How aligned are you?
22. Unlearn the past. Most people have a learning style. Or a learning plan. What about an UN-learning style? What’s your UN-learning plan?
REMEMBER: If you want to make a name for yourself, start becoming the living brochure of your own awesomeness.
Stick yourself out there today.
Let me ask you this question:
Who’s making a name for you?
Dr. Edwards works specifically in programs such as diabetes, strokes, heart disease and tracks patient progress over time.
There has been a large amount (over 14,000 papers) of independent research from other countries about the benefits of mangosteen. Mangosteen is being studied in the US by Tufts University and Johns
Hopkins University.
Verve Energy Drink Powered by Mangosteen Fruit Extract And Minerals is recommended by leading Doctors:
For more info on placing an order online or our rewarding affiliate program at your region, visit the Verve Energy Drink sponsored link at :
How To Get Mangosteen, Aloe, and Green Tea All In One Drink - VEMMA
Vemma: Verve Clinical studies Vegas 2014 All In Dr Yibing Wang
Vemma makes the move to affiliate marketing – Worldwide sales close 2013 at $221 million, up 89%.
Vemma Nutrition Company announced in front of 3,000+ excited YPR Affiliates this past Saturday at the Verve Leadership Academy powered by Success Magazine that 2013 sales ending Dec 31st closed out at $221 million.
That is an 89% increase up from $117 million in 2012. Sales growth was lead by the Verve brand that now totals over $10 million of the monthly total sales volume and Verve sales alone closed at $92.7 million for the year. Europe was their biggest international market with $50 million in sales.
The introduction of Verve Bold and ParTea were two of the most successful new product launches in company history.
With Vemma's affiliate marketing model, everyone is first a customer with zero sign-up costs; customers can earn free product and product credits; Affiliates don't have to buy product to be paid; there are no renewal fees; and Affiliates have free, fully enabled eCommerce websites, free Back Office support, and the free mobile app capabilities to manage and promote their independent Vemma businesses.
How to be part of this great success, go to the sign up process on this link
VEMMA VERVE ENERGY DRINK: does not contain any prohormones, anabolic substances, or stimulants
World's 1st Healthy Energy Drink Chosen " Product of the Year!;'
![]() | '' In a step by step analysis, the answer became clear and eventually led to Verve being the only real choice for the Product of the Year 2009.'' Dr. David Woynarowski, Anti-aging doctor, fitness expert and member of the Ms. Fitness magazine review panel. |
What makes Verve such a revolutionary breakthrough? Unlike many leading drinks which do not offer a full spectrum of nutrients for your body and which contain large amounts of synthetic caffeine and sugar, leading to a quick burst of energy, but crash and burn feeling several hours later, Verve features 12 vitamins, 65 essential and trace minerals from plant source, antioxidants, Aloe Vera, Green Tea, and the world's no1 super fruit, Mangosteen, it contains no synthetic caffeine and no high fructose corn syrup (''bad sugar''), and it provides a gradual energy boost of up to 6 hours with no crash and burn feeling! Most impressive, Verve formula is supported by clinical studies, is recommended by leading doctors and top athletes, and is the official energy drink for several pro basketball teams in the U.S! | |
![]() | "It is rare in the wellness industry that a company would do clinical studies, simply because they're not required. But to have two clinical studies done on theVemma formula and have them published in peer-reviewed journals is absolutely huge." – Yibing Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Vemma Chief Scientific Officer Read Full Letter From Dr Yibing Wang (PDF) |
CLINICALLY STUDIED: Clinical Trials have been conducted on both Vemma and Verve products. The intention of these studies was to evaluate the efficacy and overall bio-availability on immune function and well-being in adults. This was done by subjecting the product to the highest standard of clinical research —independent, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. The studies confirmed Vemma and Verve showed significant improvements in immunemarkers, superior antioxidant absorption and a lowering of C-reactive protein (CRP), which points to its beneficial effects on overall wellness The intention of these studies was to evaluate the efficacy and overall bioavailability of Vemma on immune function and well-being in adults.* This was done by subjecting the product to the highest standard of clinical research — independent, double blind, placebo-controlled study. This type of study follows a specific set of procedures to ensure the results are dependable and free from bias. The Vemma immunity study and Vemma bioavailability study were published in two reputable journals, the Journal of Medicinal Food and Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, respectively. The studies confirmed that Vemma showed:
![]() Effect of a Mangosteen Dietary Supplement on Human Immune Function: A Randomized,Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled TrialJournal of Medicinal Food,August 2009 Issue Read the full study pdf here: The purpose of the first independent, randomized, double-blind placebo study evaluated how Vemma enhanced immune function and well-being in humans.* Participants were randomly divided into two groups and received 2 ounces of Vemma or placebo each morning for 30 days. After the 30-day evaluation, the study showed favorable results in immune markers and a lowering of C-reactive protein (CRP) while taking Vemma.* Changes in IL-1α Concentration (Immunity Marker) C-reactive protein (CRP) is Reduced |
- Most people never achieve any success in network marketing (MLM), let alone long term success, no matter how many hours they put in, how much effort they apply, how much they promote, or how much money they spend in building their business.
Unfortunately, after trying several MLM opportunities, they quit, reaching the conclusion that network marketing doesn’t work when the outcome might have been entirely different had they known “The 6 Keys” and made one critical decision differently based on those 6 keys!
- Product Overview: VEMMA Vemma is a powerful, bioavailable (body-ready) formulation that contains 12 full-spectrum vitamins, over 65 plant-sourced minerals, wildcrafted whole fruit mangosteen including the pericarp (rind), organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and organic decaffeinated green tea for the ultimate nutritional foundation. Featuring the unique eastern and western wellness philosophy of Yibing Wang M.D., Ph.D., Vemma incorporates the advantages of thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine along with cutting edge western-based scientific principles. The Vemma formula is physician formulated, clinically studied, independently tested and manufactured in FDA inspected facilities with the highest quality standards for a results-driven product. This proprietary formula may be the most powerful liquid antioxidant available anywhere
According to the USDA, ''Oxidative stress results from free radicals produced during the normal metabolism of oxygen as well as from external sources…Oxidative stress has been associated with the development of many chronic diseases which including cancer and heart disease.” Oxidative stress is another term used for free radical damage
- PRODUCT OVERVIEW: What better way to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals needed than with an energy drink you can feel good about...
Each year millions of people around the world lose their lives due to nutritional
deficiencies and free radicals. The deterioratio.. - What better way to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals needed than with an energy drink you can feel good about drink...
- '' In a step by step analysis, the answer became clear and eventually led to Verve being the only real choice for the Pro...
- Vemma business model is designed to reward those people that promote the Vemma brand products. This is accomplished by devoting almost our entire marketing budget to fund the Vemma Referral Bonus Plan. This plan is based on the simple two team-building concept — a left side team and a right side team.

Peter Mwaura Mutiti
Vemma Africa Team is a community promoting and bringing together Vemma Affiliates and clients who share same passion, excitement and commitment for team work globally to make the world healthier and provide a leverage system to become financially stable. You can secure a position as an affiliate by signing up and submitting the form below.
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